Eleventy Live Reload for HTML5 Documents Without a <body> Tag

Every time a file is saved, Eleventy can automatically regenerate the site and live reload it in a browser. The live reload is provided by Browsersync, which searches for the document’s <body> tag and adds a JavaScript snippet immediately after it. The Eleventy documentation calls out:

Browsersync requires a <body> tag in your template for live-reload to work properly.

If live reload is not working, it might be because the document doesn’t contain a <body> tag and therefore Browsersync hasn’t appended its JavaScript.

No <body>? <DOCTYPE> to the rescue

HTML5 doesn’t require a <body> tag and the Google Style Guide recommends omitting it. A valid HTML5 document will have a <DOCTYPE> tag, though.

We can configure Browsersync to add its JavaScript immediately after the <DOCTYPE> tag instead. Even better, we can set that configuration in our .eleventy.js file.

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
    snippetOptions: {
      // Insert BrowserSync’s JavaScript immediately after the DOCTYPE tag,
      // instead of the <body> tag.
      rule: {
        match: /<!DOCTYPE html>/i,
        fn: function (snippet, match) {
          return snippet + match;