Installing Eleventy on a New Mac

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, a new MacBook Pro completed its journey from Shanghai to Harrogate when it arrived at my home .

The updated Magic Keyboard is delightful to type on. Key presses start softer than the older not Magic keyboard then stiffen at the bottom of the stroke, providing reassurance the press registered. Apple has reverted the layout of the arrow keys to an upside down T shape, making it easier to orient your fingers without looking down at the keyboard.

How is the MacBook Pro’s keyboard related to installing Eleventy on a new Mac? It’s tenuous: creating a website is my excuse to use the keyboard and Eleventy is static site generator I’d like to use.

Quick start

Eleventy’s website proudly displays a quick start on its home page:

% npm install -g @11ty/eleventy
% echo '# Page header' >
% eleventy

Slow start

Following that quick start on a fresh installation of MacOS (Catalina Version 10.15), though, is less than gratifying:

mike@MacBook-Pro ~ % npm install -g @11ty/eleventy
zsh: command not found: npm

The npm command isn’t found because the npm CLI isn’t installed. According to the npm blog:

The best way to install npm is to install node using the node.js installer. npm is installed as part of node.

According to me, the best way to install Node.js is to install it using nvm.

Last, the nvm README calls out: Git must be installed before nvm, giving us a list of dependencies to install in this order:

  1. Git
  2. nvm
  3. Node.js
  4. Eleventy

Install Git

Open Terminal and enter the command to install Apple’s Command Line Tools, which include Git.

mike@MacBook-Pro ~ % xcode-select --install
xcode-select: note: install requested for command line developer tools

Click the Install button on the alert that appears.

Command line developer tools installation alert

Confirm Git was installed and its version.

mike@MacBook-Pro ~ % git --version
git version 2.21.0 (Apple Git-122)

Install nvm

Create a run commands file for zsh.

mike@MacBook-Pro ~ % touch ~/.zshrc

Enter the command to run nvm’s install script. Check nvm’s README for the latest version number.

mike@MacBook-Pro ~ % curl -o- | bash

Quit then reopen Terminal, which will start nvm using the run commands file we just created.

Confirm nvm was installed and its version.

mike@MacBook-Pro ~ % nvm --version

Install Node.js

Use nvm to install the latest LTS version of Node.js.

mike@MacBook-Pro ~ % nvm install --lts
Installing latest LTS version.
Downloading and installing node v12.18.0...
############################################################################################################################## 100.0%
Computing checksum with shasum -a 256
Checksums matched!
Now using node v12.18.0 (npm v6.14.4)
Creating default alias: default -> lts/* (-> v12.18.0)

Confirm Node.js was installed and its version.

mike@MacBook-Pro ~ % node --version

Install Eleventy

Create a directory for our Eleventy project and change to that directory.

mike@MacBook-Pro ~ % mkdir -p ~/code/my-project
mike@MacBook-Pro ~ % cd ~/code/my-project

Create a package.json file. This is optional but useful: it keeps track of any dependencies our project is using, including Eleventy.

mike@MacBook-Pro my-project % npm init -y
Wrote to /Users/mike/code/my-project/package.json:
  "name": "my-project",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC"

Install Eleventy in our project’s directory.

mike@MacBook-Pro my-project % npm install --save-dev @11ty/eleventy

Use npx to confirm Eleventy was installed and its version.

mike@MacBook-Pro my-project % npx @11ty/eleventy --version

Finish strong

Create a simple Markdown file.

mike@MacBook-Pro my-project % echo '# Page header' >

Run Eleventy to generate an HTML file from the Markdown file.

mike@MacBook-Pro my-project % npx @11ty/eleventy
Writing _site/README/index.html from ./
Wrote 1 file in 0.06 seconds (v0.11.0)

Confirm the HTML was created and its contents.

mike@MacBook-Pro my-project % cat _site/README/index.html
<h1>Page header</h1>

Start Eleventy’s web server.

mike@MacBook-Pro my-project % npx @11ty/eleventy --serve
Writing _site/test/index.html from ./
Wrote 1 file in 0.21 seconds (v0.11.0)
[Browsersync] Access URLs:
Local: http://localhost:8080
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External: http://localhost:3001
[Browsersync] Serving files from: _site

Open http://localhost:8080/README/ in a browser to view our first Eleventy web page. 👏

Command line developer tools installation alert